What are the Exams Officer Professional Standards?

The Exams Officer Professional Standards have been devised in partnership by the National Association of Examinations Officers (NAEO), The Exams Office and The Learning and Skills Office


The aim of the standards is to raise the profile and status of the exams officer within their centre.

Each academic year, the senior leader/line manager is required to register their exams officer for the standards and then meet to set targets based upon the following areas:

  • Knowledge and Understanding
  • Key Skills
  • Values and Attributes

Throughout the academic year, the senior leader/line manager is required to meet with their exams officer on a regular basis to identify and confirm progress against the targets set, (agree on) any support required by the exams officer to develop their knowledge and understanding, and skills to perform the role effectively and efficiently.

The standards can also be utilised as part of your centre's appraisal/performance management process.

Once it is agreed that an exams officer has acquired the necessary knowledge and understanding, developed or acquired the skills required to perform the role, and signed the Values and Attributes statement, the senior leader/line manager can claim the Exams Officer Professional Standards certificate on behalf of their exams officer.

Register / Manage your Exams Officer(s)